90 minute private massage at vacation residence. Any location within the private residence — eg rooftop patio, private poolside or balcony where available. NOTE: price does NOT include gratuities.
A certified massage therapist will visit your private villa or condo and provide 90 minute massage.
Needs confirmation of time/date/location one day before usage
A soothing and relaxing technique that involves long, kneading strokes. Swedish massage is both relaxing and energizing.
A technique that involves deep kneading strokes that focuses on the inner layer of the muscles with the intention to help treat the musculoskeletal tissue.
May involve different techniques such as effleurage, friction, petrissage, vibration, shaking, compression, broadening strokes, direct pressure, cross-fiber friction, range of motion and stretching. These techniques are useful to help with pre and post training with the intention to enhance flexibility and circulation as well as a great way to warm up the body to help minimize injuries prior to athletic activities.
NOTE: If a refund of any type is warranted, guest will receive refund minus any credit card processing fees which cannot be reversed.
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